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Chiropractic Care to Help with Headache or Migraine Relief

Chiropractic Care to Help with Headache or Migraine Relief

headaches and migraine relief

Chiropractic Care for Headaches and Migraines

Headaches and migraines are common, painful ailments that can become debilitating. These conditions vary in severity and can have several different causes. Chiropractic care can help alleviate this pain. At Sunnyside Wellness & Chiropractic Center, serving Fresno and Clovis, CA our chiropractor provides a variety of all-natural treatment methods for headaches and migraines. We look for the root cause of your pain to provide long-lasting treatment. Our chiropractor will help you return to a healthy, pain-free life.

The Difference Between Headaches and Migraines

Oftentimes, headaches are the result of another condition. Many headaches are attributed to neck pain caused by tension. That tension might be caused by bending or straining of the neck, like working at a computer or a work bench, stress, or bad posture. Pain from migraines is far more severe than that from tension headaches. Migraines might also last for several days. They usually affect one side of the head, but some migraine sufferers complain of pain on both sides. Migraines might also affect vision and cause nausea. Migraines often have specific causes, like foods, lifestyle habits, or neurological issues.

How Our Chiropractor Treats Headaches and Migraines

Our chiropractor will perform an exam and several tests to understand what is causing your head pain. Tension in the neck can adversely affect the head. We offer spinal adjustments to alleviate this tension in the muscles, reducing neck pain and eliminating headaches. Our chiropractor might perform other manual manipulations to alleviate pain from headaches. Migraine treatment will depend on the cause of your migraines. Our chiropractor provides lifestyle advice and nutritional counseling so you can eliminate the triggers of your migraines.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractor Today for Headache and Migraine Relief

If you are experiencing headaches or migraines, you don’t have to continue suffering. At Sunnyside Wellness & Chiropractic Center, serving Fresno and Clovis, CA, our chiropractor will alleviate your neck pain and reduce the frequency of headaches or migraines. We provide drug-free treatment, so you can avoid taking medications to ease your pain. Call us today to schedule an appointment.